Founded by state school board associations in late 2021, the Consortium of State School Boards Associations (COSSBA) is a non-partisan, national alliance dedicated to sharing resources and information to support, promote, and strengthen state school board associations as they serve their local school districts and board members.

COSSBA is a voluntary, non-partisan federation of state school board associations focused on:

  • Support for the work of state school board associations through effective staff collaboration, networking, and shared resources.
  • Networking opportunities for local school board members and association board members to enhance the effectiveness of their work.
  • Tracking and advocating for federal education issues and policies impacting local school boards and public education aligned with a statement of core values and beliefs of COSSBA.
  • Federal judicial advocacy impacting local control and public education.

For more information about COSSBA or COSSBA Upcoming Events, please visit