AABC Annual Conference

May 6-7, 2024

Mississippi School Boards Association
380 Zurich Dr. • Ridgeland, MS 39157

School district administrative assistants, board clerks, and superintendent secretaries — Let’s Get REAL! Your multifaceted role in your school district is Reliable, Efficient, Accountable, and you are a Leader!

Please join us on May 6-7 for the annual Administrative Assistants and Board Clerks (AABC) Conference. Register to attend in-person at the MSBA Building in Ridgeland, MS.

This conference for school district office professionals is designed to nurture supervisor skills, offer problem-solving techniques, and strengthen interpersonal skills.

Attendees will leave the conference equipped with practical strategies for more efficient management of their everyday responsibilities.

2022-2024 AABC Officers and Board of Directors

Front row left to right: President Michelle Martin, Pontotoc City School District;
Vice President Shakara Wesley, Western Line School District; and Secretary, Ester Reese, East Jasper School District

Middle row left to right: Monica Hall, East Tallahatchie School District; Lynn Davis,
Lamar County School District; and Christy Little, Monroe County School District

Back row left to right: Nita Cameron, South Pike School District; Melissa Hunt, Holly Springs
School District; Judy Collins, Winona-Montgomery Consolidated School District; and Past President LaTeasha Blackmon, Oxford School District